

Businesses exporting products containing wood and wood fibre from Canada are not directly affected by Canada’s illegal logging laws.

Some of the countries we export wood and wood fibre products have laws to help stop the trade of illegally logged timber.

Importers in these countries need to provide evidence their wood-based products and components have come from legally harvested forests.

Canadian exporters can help by providing information on the origins of the wood and/ or wood fibre in their products.

Timber and wood products sourced from Canadian forests may be certified under internationally-recognized schemes. This includes:

  • Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) — known as Responsible Wood in Canada
  • Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).

Certification is not a mandatory requirement in any market. Each market has several methods available for importers to meet the requirements of their respective laws.

Before You Export

We regulate the export of certain goods from Canada.
